1. carpenter 목공
2. carrying out (the contract) 수행
3. cashier's check 현금, 수표
4. certificate for payment 기성고(旣べ高) 지불명세서 (㶆⸡⫵) = payment certificate
5. certificate of completion 준공(㴂工)증명서
6. certified check 지불보증수표
7. change order 설계 또는 공사변경지시서 = engineer's order = order for change = variation order = architect's field order
8. city(town) planning 도시계획
9. civil engineer 토목기사
10. claim 청구(㽅求)
11. clerk-of-the works 현장감독(䎬㨆監) = project inspector
12. client 발주처(Ɑ㳜㻿)
13. codes, law, regulation 법령, 법규, 법정
14. collaboration 협력, 합작
15. collusion 담합
16. commencement of work 착공(㹓工)
17. commissioning 시동(㊇❫), 시운전
18. common labor 비숙련공(⺰㇗⢹工) = unskilled labor
19. common seal 사인(⻪㤾), 회사인(䔯⻪㤾)
20. competition tender 경쟁입찰(競㪙㥧㹪)
21. competition tendering system경쟁입찰제도
22. competition (of B/Q schedule of rates)기입(記㥧),작성
23. competition of works 완공(㘹工), 완성
24. competition bond 완공(べ)보증(㴛⾺) = performance bond 이행보증(㤔䎊ⵋ㴛)
25. completion certificate 준공증명서(㴂工㴛⫵⾺)
26. conciliation 화해(䒆䍾)
27. concrete worker 콘크리트공(工) = concreter
28. conditions of contract 계약조건(契㏫㰫件) = contract conditions
29. consideration 고려사항, 약인(㏫㥁)
30. consortium 컨소시엄, 합작(䋺㧪)
31. construction 건설, 시공(㉻工)
32. construction bond (건설공사에 관한) 보증의 총칭 (㿝䂶) = guarantee bond = surety bond
33. construction cost 공사비용(⺮㛴)
34. construction plant/equipment 건설장비(建つ㨣⸩)
35. construction period 공사기간(工期) = construction duration = time for construction
36. construction program 공정계획(㥗㮓) = work schedule
37. consultant 기술감독자 = engineer = architect
38. consumable material 소모성자재
39. contingencies 예비비
40. contract agreement 계약합의서
41. contract date 계약일
42. contract documents 계약서류
43. contract drawings 실시설계도, 계약도면 = working drawings
44. contract earnings 계약 기성고(旣べ高)
45. contracting firm 건설회사, 시공사(工⻪)
46. contractor 시공자(給㐮㧢) = general contractor = specialty contractor
47. contractor-designer 설계 및 시공업자
48. contract specification 시방서(工⻆㶄䂲)
49. coordination 조정(㱂㭲)
50. cost breakdown 공사비(지급)명세서 = schedule of values
51. costing 원가계산(㞙價計⽭)
52. cost of tendering 입찰경비
53. cost-plus-fee system 실비정산계약(정산계약) = cost-reimbursement
54. CPM Critical Path Method
55. craftsman 기능공(技能工) = tradesman = journeyman
56. date of commencement 공사 착공일(㹓工㥗) = data commenced = date of enterprise
57. date of completion 공사 준공일(㴂工㥗) = date completed
58. deed 날인(捺㤾)증명서
59. default (채무)불이행, 태만
60. delegation of authority 권한의 위양(㞻㐋)
61. deliver 1)인도하다 2)교대하다
62. description of works 공사내용 = scope of works = services & capacity
63. design 설계(つ計)
64. desirable 바람직한 = preferable = advisable
65. details 상세(⾝レ)
66. details drawing 상세도
67. detailed cost estimate 공사비의 상세견적
68. detail design 상세설계
69. division of responsibility 책임분담
70. documentation of documents 서류작성
71. drawings 도면
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